Uppsögn, brotthlaup, riftun og starfslokUppsögnStarfslokasamningarRiftunLaunalækkunHópuppsagnirBrotthlaup
Samkomulag um lækkun launa
Samkomulag um tímabundna lækkun launa
Samningur um lækkun launa hóps starfsmanna
Greinar og tíðindi
Á döfinni
Samkomulag um lækkun launa
Samkomulag um tímabundna lækkun launa
Samningur um lækkun launa hóps starfsmanna
A business becomes a member of SA by joining one of SA's six associations and thus holds dual membership status. They operate on the basis of the different industrial activities involved and each of them has the initiative in company matters within its own, separate industrial sphere.
Associations operating on the basis of the different industrial activities involved
SA member associations, ranging from self-employed entrepreneurs to the country's largest companies
Salaried employees in the Icelandic labor market are employed by SA member associations
A business becomes a member of SA by joining one of SA's six associations and thus holds dual membership status. They operate on the basis of the different industrial activities involved and each of them has the initiative in company matters within its own, separate industrial sphere.
Samtök orku- og veitufyrirtækja
Samtök verslunar og þjónustu
Samtök fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi
Samtök fjármálafyrirtækja
Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar
Samtök iðnaðarins
Innskráning með rafrænum skilríkjum
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